Squirrels in the Attic

squirrels raccoons in attic philadelphia metro wildlife center

I have squirrels in my attic


Never trap and relocate an animal. It’s often illegal. In unfamiliar territory, the animal may be attacked if it "invaded" another's turf, it could starve to death without a known food source, and you could unwittingly separate a mother from her dependent babies.

Encourage the animal(s) to pack up willingly to a place of her choosing.

Ideas for a DIY eviction:

The attic is hospitable because it's dark, quiet, and smells acceptable. Change it up to encourage voluntary eviction.  First, use a bright light. A strobe light is even better. Here is one called "The evictor" that has great reviews. Second, use a radio to play something loud and obnoxious. Finally, use ammonia or vinegar soaked rags, placed in coffee cans with drilled holes, around the area to make the smell noxious. Once you’ve confirmed all inhabitants are gone, PATCH UP THE ENTRANCE. Hardware cloth is a good choice, since animals cannot chew through it. Please call us for further advice.